Nice video from Feynman’s lecture series

This is a nice video shared by my roomate, who revers Feynman and tries to convince me to revere him as well. But to be precise, I like seeing and reading about Feynman, not only because he won a nobel prize, but to realize his ideas of science. At time I feel that it is important to realize your view in life. I sometimes refer to this theory as ‘camera/lens theory’ where you decide to design a lens for yourself, with which you will see the world. As an example a scientist sees a flower as collection of cells and lot of stuff going on, while an artist sees it with artistic beauty (more a low vs high-level view). And this theory of lens/camera doesn’t means you always stick to your lens but keep changing it as you acquire more knowledge. Certainly this idea is very obvious since each human is unique and does what I said, but not many people realize it.

Hopefully I will have more to say about it sometime soon. Enjoy this video: